Looking for an
alternative to Run The World?

Host events customized to suit your business needs with Airmeet

Why should you pick Airmeet for your events?

Increase event ROI with booths

Create exciting opportunities for your sponsors to engage with the audience. Our Booths have multiple interactive elements such as chat, live broadcasts, tables, lead magnets, and resource center.

Craft friction-less event entry

Customize the event entry to make it seamless for you participants to attend your event. Send magic links to enable attendees to enter the event with a single click.

Manage event workflows with ease

Integrate with multiple tools like Hubspot, Eventbrite, etc. to set up and manage events with ease. Use our robust public APIs for communication between different applications.

Go global with multilingual support

Communicate value in the language your audience understands. We support a wide range of languages

Collaborate like a pro

Prepare for events in advance by adding your team members and speakers. Assign roles based on the level of control required.

Best-in-class Experience

Customers love Airmeet

We love the sponsor booths and mini-lounges that you have at every booth. I am looking forward to using it extensively

Ernst Baart
The Hockey Site

I loved Airmeet’s 24/7 support lounge. It was so great to be able to just hop into the lounge and get help. It was so quick, easy and efficient.

Chloe Lewis
Community Team
NEAR foundation

We got a very positive feedback from all the departments about how wonderful the Social Lounge experience was. It blew everyone’s mind away.

Hazel Hooker
Program Director,

A platform built for scale and engagement



Run the World


Up to 100K capacity (Host up to 100 participants for free)

Up to 10k attendees under paid plan


(add 4-8%)

(Add 4-15%)

Virtual Lounge

Q&A with upvotes

Live technical support

Customizable forms

Backstage (Private space for hosts and speakers)

Invite attendee on stage via Raised hands


Virtual Social Lounge with tables

Cocktail Party and Roundtable

Exhibitor Booths

(with limited interactive elements)

Session level reminders


Customization of event entry rules

Everyone has to register

Multilingual support

(9 languages)


In Airmeet, the host, speaker, and even an attendee can upgrade their videos to HD streaming or a lower resolution if their internet connection is sketchy. This does not affect the streaming quality but allows the users to stream seamlessly. 

You can customize your entire Airmeet interface with logos, brand colors, and fonts to personalize the event and conference.  The custom branding feature helps to provide a consistent experience for your attendees across the event planning, hosting, execution, hosting, and post-event activities. 

Setting up and hosting an event, webinar, trade fairs, or even virtual conference is easy with Airmeet and just takes minutes. Airmeet also has a 24/7 support lounge and dedicated customer support team to ensure an on-brand and highly interactive experience for your community. 

In Airmeet, you can connect with attendees and up to 16 other speakers via networking opportunities in the social lounges or Backstage. You can also engage with your attendees, bring them on stage with the raised hand feature, or have lively one-to-one conversations in the speed networking social lounges and virtual booths.

Airmeet is an affordable all-in-one event management platform for your webinars, hybrid conferences, job fairs, and virtual events. It can host from 100 to 100k attendees and comes with dedicated 24/7 customer support, live Q&A, live polls, raised hand feature, etc. 

In Airmeet, you can meet 1:1 with other attendees in speed networking for a limited time. You can also use the chat to exchange information. Once your time is up, you’ll be automatically be matched with the next person.

All data is updated as of June 2021, and the above content is based on the data collected from review sites. Further, prices, features and product specifications of the various service providers may be varied at any time without notice. Therefore, Airmeet does not guarantee that the information provided is complete and up-to-date. Further, the data shown here is for guidance only, and does not constitute any contractual representation or warranty. All copyrights and trademarks of the named service providers are duly acknowledged. Any liability for errors or omissions is expressly disclaimed.

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