Webinar Follow-Up Strategies – Post-Event Analysis

Mayukh Bhattacharjee
• July 17, 2024

(8 min read)

One of the biggest mistakes that webinar organizers make is assuming that their job is done when the webinar concludes.  However, if your goal is to maximize your webinar ROI, just organizing and delivering the webinar successfully won’t do the trick.

Webinar Follow-Up Strategies - Post-Event Analysis

One of the biggest mistakes that webinar organizers make is assuming that their job is done when the webinar concludes.  However, if your goal is to maximize your webinar ROI, just organizing and delivering the webinar successfully won’t do the trick. 

Making sure that your webinar meets its business objectives and brings in significant returns is just as crucial. 

This is where post-webinar analysis can be your ticket to success. 

Post-webinar analysis is when you conduct a deep dive into the webinar’s overall performance, look into all the metrics involved, identify how it can be done better the next time, collect valuable feedback from the attendees – all of which will empower you to implement data-driven changes in your future webinars! 

Often overlooked, post-webinar analysis can be a gift that keeps on giving, and that is exactly what we will walk you through in this blog. 

What is Post-Webinar Analysis?

Post-webinar or post-event analysis involves evaluating or assessing the overall impact and effectiveness of the webinar, in order to gain a fair view of the outcomes of the event and to improve your future webinars or events! 

Some of the key elements of post-webinar analysis are: 

  • Technical performance
  • Audience engagement
  • Content effectiveness
  • Attendance metrics
  • Feedback and surveys
  • Driving ROI

These come up as valuable insights which you can use to refine your webinar strategies for better overall impact, which will eventually lead you to maximize your webinar ROI. 

Tools for Post-Event Analysis

Conducting a thorough post-event analysis is essential to measure the outcomes of your event – the things that worked as well as the things that didn’t work – so you can use those findings to guide your subsequent events and deliver a better event experience.

But how exactly do we execute this process? 

Well, here are some tools to that are commonly used to assess the impact and performance of your event: 

Analytics Platforms

One of the most reliable and powerful tools that is used to conduct post-event analysis any type of analytics platform. Depending on your event format. Type, budget and overall business goals, you can pick one or multiple tools to provide you with a wide range of reports and performance metrics. 

Analytics platforms help you track multiple data points across the entire event journey – like pre-event promotional numbers like social media engagement – views/ likes/ shares/ comments in your posts or traffic driven to your website from these posts. eventually helping you to determine where you need to perform better. Email marketing analytics that include metrics like click rates, open rates, registrations generated, response rate, etc. 

Some of the most used analytical platforms for understanding of your event’s performance include Google Analytics, Kissmetrics, Attendease, etc. However, an Event Management Platform can also give you a variety of analytics that can prove crucial to your post-event analytics. 

A robust event management platform will help you capture details on the level of attendee engagement, which topic or session generated maximum engagement, the drop offs, the leads who express strong interest via chats or comments, networking metrics, technical performance numbers, and so much more. 

Event Management Software: 

This can be a game-changer when it comes to your event marketing – whether you are hosting an in-person event, an online one or a hybrid event. A fully-loaded event management software streamlines end-to-end event operations, giving you the power to deliver an impeccable event experience to your attendees, every time. 

These tools also come loaded, the superior ones especially, like Airmeet, with a wide range of analytical capabilities that help you track, monitor and optimize your virtual and hybrid events to perfection. 

They also give you access to a robust dashboard that helps you simplify your analysis, providing you with easily-digestible data, insights and takeaways. Post-event analysis on an event management platform is also more comprehensive as the tool serves as a centralized repository for all your event related activities and metrics, from planning to post-event follow ups. 

Surveys and Feedback Tools:

Surveys and Feedback tools play a vital role in every post-event analysis initiative, as they bring you unique insights from your attendees’ point of view. There are several types of survey and feedback tools available which helps you to gather the views of the audience, on your webinar. 

Some of the common survey and feedback tools include – Google forms, types forms, etc, which streamline the survey creation process. Post-event analysis initiatives that include audience feedback tend to be more comprehensive, enabling event organizers to make sure that subsequent events address the concerns raised by the attendees, which helps build brand credibility and increase repeat attendance at your events. 

CRM Systems

CRM systems help in tracking the registration count, attendance rate and many other metrics. This is where the importance of investing in a reliable event management system is highlighted, because by integrating your existing CRM with a powerful event management software, you will have access to a much wider range of analytics. 

Integrating your CRM with an end-to-end virtual event platform tool like Airmeet helps you track attendee profiles, gather registration data, send emails effortlessly to registrants and monitor CTR and open rate, session attendance and time spent, booth activity, poll responses and so much more. 

Post-Event Metrics to Analyze 

It’s important to analyze metrics like attendance rates, engagements and conversions to improve the future webinar potential. It will be helpful to detect the possible improvement areas and make the modifications as required. 

Here are some metrics that you should absolutely look into:. 

  • Attendance Rate: Check the attendance rate to see how many registrants actually showed up on the day of the event. If the attendance numbers are not up to the mark, you might consider adjusting your post-registration promotions and marketing to encourage and inspire registrants to attend the event. Build curiosity in them with sneak-peaks, ‘what’s in store’ messages, and engage with them proactively by including incentives for attendance.
  • Engagement: Analyze the engagement metrics like attendee comments in the event chat, the questions they pose, their interactions with the speakers and hosts, their usage of emojis and reactions to the sessions, how actively they network or not, poll responses, and others.

    This data is crucial primarily in helping you segregate the warm leads that need immediate attention to boost conversions and the colder leads who will need a customized nurturing campaign to slowly build confidence in your brand.

    It will also help you understand which sessions resonated with the audience, what type of content is popular among them, which speaker delivered maximum engagement, and other nuances that are crucial to your overall event strategy.  

  • Repeat participation:  Repeated participation of your webinar attendees signifies that they find value in your content, and trust your brand. Analyzing repeat participation helps you identify the repeat participants and their preferences, based on which you can formulate your lead nurturing campaign targeting them exclusively.

    It also allows you to also understand the type of webinar topic and content that attracts these attendees, the speakers who bring in the maximum number of repeat attendees, the webinar format that seems to be working in your favor, the ideal length of the session and so much more. 

  • Audience questions: If you’re conducting an interactive webinar, the attendees of the event are expected to interact with the expert or speaker and pose questions. Analyzing these audience questions will help you understand your audience better – their challenges, what sort of solutions they expect, how urgent their requirement is, what their concerns are, and other aspects about the attendees and the webinar.

    Based on the frequency, quality and depth of the audience’s questions, you will also be able to assess the overall impact of your webinar, which you can then either replicate or tweak in subsequent webinars. 

  • Post-event survey response – There are multiple types of feedback you can receive from the webinar participants, post an event – survey responses can be positive with attendees telling you how much they liked your webinar, or filled with concerns, and recommendations that they think can improve your webinar experience, or even just flat out negative responses where they were thoroughly dissatisfied with the event.

    Generally speaking, receiving a response, regardless of what the feedback includes, is the ideal outcome as it gives you an insight into the audience’s minds. There are also times when attendees choose to not respond to your feedback request and this is an issue you don’t want. No response could indicate that attendees did not connect with the event or the brand, and any engagement is better than no engagement! 

  • Social media engagement – Social media engagement includes the likes, comments and shares on a particular post. Leveraging social media to share snippets from your webinar is a great way to drive engagement.

    Analyzing this engagement then allows you to assess if there is an increase in the number of followers you have, the likes, shares and comments your webinar related posts receive. Observing engagement trends will then give you clarity on the kind of content your digital audiences prefer, helping you cater to them better.  

Bottom Line 

Post-event analysis is an effective webinar follow-up strategy that helps you to generate maximum webinar ROI. 

Don’t miss out on the wealth of benefits that a strong post-webinar analysis activity can bring you. Follow the steps mentioned in the blog and track the metrics we’ve listed out to uncover insights that will help you deliver high-quality webinars, consistently. Create a unique data-driven webinar marketing strategy to take your future events to a whole new level.


Some of the common mistakes to take care of in post-webinar analysis is neglecting the feedback of your audience, not addressing the technical issues if caused any, not being able to measure the ROI correctly, etc. 

Some of the key components of post event analysis include – attendee feedback and customer surveys, financial reviews which states the comparison in between budget and the actuals, evaluation of the event goals and objectives, assessment of logistical institution which includes the venue, vendors as well as the technology, and also the analysis of marketing and promotion efforts.

The insights which you gained from the post event analysis should be used in improving your performance in your upcoming webinars; these include –


  • Adjusting the marketing and the promotional tactics
  • Refining the event planning as well as strategy for your upcoming webinars
  • Optimizing the budget allocation and resource management 
  • Enhancing the attendee management as well as experience

Post event analysis can also bring you some challenges including – 

  • Analyzing the data effectively for deriving actionable insights 
  • Obtaining comprehensive feedback from the webinar attendees
  • Ensuring the balance in between quantitative metrics and qualitative feedback
  • Adhering to on-time analysis execution in-between other post webinar responsibilities.

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