Webinar Audience Growth - Increase webinar conversions

Webinar Audience Growth – Increase webinar conversions

Mayukh Bhattacharjee
• September 23, 2024

(8 min read)

If you were to ask event marketers what their number one webinar goal or outcome would be, chances are a vast majority of them would say ‘conversions’. Webinar conversions primarily measure the number of people who took the action that the webinar organizer intended for them to take. There are multiple phases in a webinar funnel where people can convert, starting from initial registration to post webinar follow-ups.

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In this article, we will guide you through ways to increase webinar conversions in different stages of the sales funnel, so you can maximize your event marketing ROI and business revenue.

What is a Webinar Conversion Rate?

What is a Webinar Conversion Rate

As mentioned, webinar conversion primarily refers to how well your virtual event has been able to get the participants to take the desired action, which can be buying your product/service, signing up for your next webinar, or anything else you may have as a goal.

Through the entire journey of a webinar, conversion can take many forms – starting with converting prospects into registrants, then converting registrants into attendees, then converting attendees into repeat attendees or into loyal customers, and so on. 

How to Increase Webinar Conversion Rates

Here are some tried-and-tested ways to increase webinar conversion rates. 

Boosting Engagement and Sign Ups

You can increase your webinar conversion rates by optimizing each phase of your webinar funnel. To start improving your webinar conversion rates, first focus on the initial step, which is converting viewers to the registration landing page to sign up for the event. 

1. Create Engaging Social Media Content

The more appealing your social media content, the more likely it is to convince viewers to want to know more information. The trick is to provide enough details in the social media post that it piques their interest, but also not enough that it compels them to seek more information by clicking on the link and visiting the registration page. 

2. Modify your Email Strategy

Research states that emails drive typically 57% of registrations when it comes to virtual events promotion.

Here are some strategies you can use to craft an effective email for promoting your webinar:

  • Start with an initial event announcement mail/ invitation to make audiences aware of your webinar. 
  • Now send follow-up emails with relevant content or a video showing them the value they will receive by attending the webinar.
  • Next, continue sending them 2-3 email reminders till the day of the event, to ensure maximum attendance. Make sure to not overdo the reminders, as this can frustrate registrants.

3. Create Catchy Webinar Titles

Your webinar needs a compelling title, which highlights the benefits of your webinar and grabs the attention of the viewers. Things to remember while crafting webinar titles are –

  • Include your primary keyword in your webinar.
  • Be clear about the outcome of your webinar.
  • Don’t use fancy words, but make your title look unique, for better appeal. 
  • Remember less is more when it comes to most things marketing related. 

4. Use Diverse Promotional Strategies

Host interactive Q&A sessions on online forums or communities. Collaborate with influencers and industry experts to promote your webinar to their audience as well, which will further help you to grow your network.

Also Read – Webinar marketing strategies: Cross-Promotions in Webinars

Registration Page Tactics – Convert Viewers to Registrants

Registration Page Tactics - Convert Viewers to Registrants

Now that you’ve brought your target audience to your registration landing page, it is time to ensure that they register for your event. 

Here are some ways you can increase the conversion rate in your webinar registration page.

1. Key Design Strategies for Webinar Registration Page

Your webinar registration page has an attractive design, is clean and free of clutter, and also easy to navigate. You want to make it easy for viewers to go through the landing page and find all relevant information. 

To craft a good looking webinar registration page:

  • Add a cover image that highlights the details of your webinar. 
  • Include the names of your webinar speakers. Consider sharing their photos, bios, and social media profiles, etc to build credibility of the event
  • Personalize your webinar registration page with the colors of your brand and insert your company’s logo.
  • Mention the key takeaways of the webinar, to set the right expectations.  

Remember that clear and concise content is more likely to help with conversion. So, apart from making the webpage alluring, keep the content crisp focusing only on key information. Consider highlighting the benefits and outcomes of the event, to cater to the audience’s questions and expectations.

2. Make your Registration Form User Friendly

Ensure that your webinar registration form is short and straightforward. Lengthy forms tend to decrease the webinar conversion rate, so make forms that are easy to fill out. Ask them only the most important and necessary questions like their name, email ID, profession/ job title, company name, etc. 

3. Showcase Social Proofs and Testimonials 

Use of social proofs and testimonials will help you build brand awareness and credibility. Post some teasers from your earlier webinars, reviews of your company, testimonials from sponsors or speakers, or social media handles of your company.

Converting Webinar Registrants to Attendees

There will be people who register for a webinar but not attend the live session, and here’s what you can do to make sure that your registrants show up and attend the webinar on the day of the event, 

  • Send out Timely Reminders – It is expected that people may have all the right intentions while registering for a webinar, but they may get busy and forget about it on the day of the event.

    Here’s where timely reminders help boost attendance. Generally, reminders are sent out a week before the event; a second reminder, a day before; and a last reminder, an hour before the session begins.

  • Provide an Exclusive Content Preview – Highlighting a preview of some exclusive content from your webinar, which is only available for the live attendees, can create a sense of exclusivity among registrants, and will contribute to your audience growth.

    This can be an opportunity to secure a special offer, or a downloadable e-book, or it can also be an opportunity to have a one-on-one talk with the guest speakers.

Engaging Attendees to Boost Webinar Conversion Rates

Engaging Attendees to Boost Webinar Conversion Rates

Here you’ll be working on increasing the number of live attendees who might take the next action, which could be anything like visiting your website, downloading some additional content to your webinar, booking a demo, signing up for your upcoming webinar, purchasing a product or a service, etc. 

This conversion phase is highly crucial, as it directly impacts your webinar ROI. 

Here are some tips to boost conversions in this stage:

  • Use Interactive Elements – Improving your webinar conversion rates involves engaging with audiences throughout the live session, and this is made possible with the interactive elements offered by your webinar platform.

    There are several in-built interactive features across webinar platforms that you can use like live polls, chats, QA sessions, screen sharing, breakout rooms, etc. Use them effectively to keep the audience engaged.

  • Provide Effective Webinar CTAs – CTAs are crucial in guiding the webinar participants to take the desired action you want, without even disrupting the event’s flow.

    Make sure the CTAs you use are strategically placed in your webinar presentations. 

  • Produce Quality Content – Above everything else, remember that producing quality content is the only way to guarantee continued success and consistent conversions.

    The more you focus on producing quality content, the higher the engagement levels of the webinar, and therefore, the more likely it is that attendees will take the desired action and convert.

    Be informative, clear, and engaging, and produce content that is relevant to your target audience’s interests, problems, and needs.

Post Webinar Tactics – Maximize your Webinar Conversion Rates 

The journey to convert your webinar participants to leads or customers depends a lot on how effectively you nurture them in the post-webinar phase.

Here are some strategies you can employ:

  • Follow Up Communications – Effective follow up communication post-event is the key to a successful webinar. Craft your message carefully, based on their engagement level, and also provide them with additional resources from the webinar, to inspire them to take the next desired step.

  • Nurture Campaigns – Nurturing leads post-webinar means sending targeted content and personalized messages to the attendees and guiding them through the buyer’s journey. This can involve sending them segmented email sequences, or even approaching them directly via your sales team with personalized offerings.

  • Repurpose Webinar Content – This can be a great way to increase webinar conversions and your event’s audience growth. Repurpose the content into blog posts, short video clips, infographics, or make a recording of your webinar for the no-shows – all of which increase the chances of getting more quality leads, and the lifespan of your webinar content.

  • Collect Post Webinar Feedback – Post webinar feedback is necessary in increasing the webinar conversions and the attendance rate. It helps you understand the audience’s overall webinar experience and thoughts. Conduct post webinar surveys with the help of a solid webinar platform like Airmeet, to gain access to valuable attendee feedback. 

Measure and Analyze Webinar Performance 

After implementing these strategies to increase your webinar conversions, it is time to see if they have worked out well or not. To understand how well your webinars are converting attendees, evaluate crucial webinar metrics, like how many registrants turned up for the webinar, how many of them dropped off mid-webinar, what the engagement levels looked like,  the chat activity, live polls responses, etc. 

Besides checking the metrics, also keep an eye on the webinar KPIs to measure your webinar performance. This includes checking how people have found out about your webinar, how much of your webinar people have watched, how much attendee participation took place during the webinar, etc., and take corrective action to improve subsequent webinars.

Bottom Line

The more you’re able to increase the conversion, the more you’ll benefit. And to make sure that you drive a significant increase in that number, employ the strategies mentioned above, and always make sure you deliver high-quality webinar content.


Ideally, start promoting your webinar 3-4 weeks in advance to give your audience enough time to register. Consider a series of reminders as the event date approaches to keep it fresh in the registrants’ minds.

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