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Social Media Tips for Promoting Virtual Events

Meghana Dalal
• July 4, 2024

(8 min read)

Whether it’s a webinar, online conference, product launch, or virtual workshop, leveraging social media effectively can significantly enhance event visibility, engagement, and attendance.

Table of Content

Social media platforms serve as powerful channels to connect with target audiences, build excitement, and drive registrations for virtual events. With billions of users worldwide, platforms like Facebook, Instagram, X, LinkedIn, and TikTok offer unparalleled opportunities to reach diverse demographics and engage with potential attendees in real-time. The ability to share content instantly, interact directly with followers, and leverage multimedia formats makes social media an essential component of any comprehensive event promotion strategy.

This blog will delve into proven strategies and best practices for leveraging social media to promote virtual events successfully. From pre-event promotion tactics such as teaser campaigns and countdowns to engaging with influencers, creating interactive content, and maximizing post-event engagement, each section will provide actionable insights and tips to help organizers maximize their event’s impact and achieve their goals. 

By implementing these strategies, event organizers can effectively harness the power of social media to boost attendance, enhance participant engagement, and ensure the success of their virtual events.

Social Media Tips for Promoting Virtual Events

With people spending more time than ever online and on social platforms, it’s essential to leverage social media to promote your virtual event.

But simply posting about your event isn’t enough. You need a well-planned social media strategy that engages your target audience, delivers value, and compels people to take action by registering and attending.

In this post, we’ll cover 8 key tips for using social media effectively to promote virtual events, from identifying your audience to measuring success through analytics.

1. Knowing Your Audience

Before you start promoting your next virtual event on social media, it’s crucial that you have a deep understanding of who your target audience is. Here are some basic questions about your target audience that you need to have absolute clarity on, as a marketer.

What demographic/ profession is the event targeted towards? 

What social platforms are they most active on? 

What type of content resonates with them? 

What are their interests, pain points, and goals as they relate to your event topic?

Knowing Your Audience

Spend time researching your audience personas through surveys, social listening tools, and analyzing data from past events. This insight will shape the channels you focus on, the messaging you use, and the overall social media strategy.

For example, if your virtual event is geared towards B2B professionals, you’ll want to concentrate your efforts on platforms like LinkedIn and X. But if it’s a consumer-facing event, prioritize visual platforms like Instagram, TikTok, and Pinterest.

Key Tips

  • Conduct regular/ pre-event surveys or polls to understand audience preferences
  • Analyze demographics and interests from your social media insights
  • Create audience personas to guide your content strategy
  • Monitor conversations and hashtags relevant to your industry
  • Use A/B testing to determine what content resonates most

2. Pre-Event Promotions

Don’t wait until right before your event to start promoting on social media. An effective pre-event promotion strategy begins weeks or even months in advance to build anticipation and awareness, depending on the scale and scope of your event.

Use a social media content calendar to map out your promotional posts across all relevant social channels. Start by announcing your event details, like the date/time, topic, speakers, and how to register. Then regularly post teasers, fun facts, early bird discounts, and other engaging content to stay top-of-mind.

Pre-Event Promotions

As your virtual event nears, increase your posting frequency and mix in testimonials from older events, sneak peeks, and behind-the-scenes clips to get people excited. And, of course, frequently remind followers to register with compelling calls-to-action.

Throughout the pre-event phase, focus on delivering value over straight promotion. Share useful resources, statistics, quotes, and insights related to your event topic to position yourself as a credible source of information.

Key Tips

  • Start promoting at least 4-6 weeks before the event
  • Offer early bird discounts or exclusive content for early registrants
  • Create teaser videos or graphics highlighting key speakers or topics
  • Use email marketing in conjunction with social media promotion
  • Collaborate with industry partners for cross-promotion

Also Read – 10 Reasons Why You Should Leverage Social Media to Market a Virtual Event

3. Using Visual Content

When it comes to grabbing attention and boosting engagement on social media, visual content is king. Posts with visuals like images, videos, GIFs, and graphics tend to generate way more likes, comments, and shares than content-heavy posts.

For virtual events, design branded visual assets with a consistent look and feel that you can use across all social channels. This includes crafting branded hashtags, cover photos, profile pics, shareable graphics promoting your event, speakers, agenda highlights, and more.

Using Visual Content

Videos are also incredibly powerful, whether that’s short video teasers, promo videos, livestreams with expert Q&As, or behind-the-scenes footage getting people excited about your event. The options are endless.

Just be sure your visuals are optimized for each social platform and audience. For instance, Instagram favors square images and videos, LinkedIn works best for text-based graphics, and TikTok thrives on fun, relatable video content.

Key Tips

  • Create eye-catching graphics with event details and key information
  • Develop short video teasers or trailers for the event
  • Use infographics to highlight event agenda or speaker lineup
  • Incorporate your event branding into all visual content
  • Utilize platform-specific visual features (e.g., Instagram Stories, TikTok)

Also Read – Top 31 Event Marketing Tools for Working Smarter

4. Engaging with Influencers and Partners

Amplifying your virtual event promotions on social media is much easier when you have influencers and partners sharing your content and messaging.

Identify influencers in your industry or niche who have an engaged community of followers that aligns with your target audience. Then reach out to those influencers about cross-promotional opportunities where you share their content and they share details about your event.

You can also collaborate with influencers to have them speak at your event, participate in live Q&As, or create sponsored content promoting it to their audience. Just be sure they’re a genuine fit and disclose any paid sponsorships for transparency.

Engaging with Influencers and Partners

Beyond influencers, look for strategic partnership opportunities where you can cross-promote with relevant brands, media publications, communities, podcasts, and more that can extend your reach.

Once influencers and partners start promoting your event, actively engage with their posts by liking, commenting, and re-sharing to amplify the content further.

Key Tips

  • Identify relevant influencers in your industry or niche
  • Offer exclusive content or access in exchange for promotion
  • Create co-branded content with partners to expand reach
  • Provide influencers with ready-to-share assets and key messages
  • Consider hosting a pre-event influencer briefing or Q&A session

Also Read – Social Media Marketing Tips to Make Your Virtual Event Go Viral

5. Interactive Content Strategies

No one wants to be bombarded with relentless promotional posts about your virtual event. That’s a surefire way to get unfollowed and tuned out on social media.

Instead, prioritize creating interactive content that encourages two-way engagement with your audience with engagement tools. This could include posting polls, quizzes, contests, Q&A sessions, debates, live videos, and more.

Interactive Content Strategies

For example, you could run a poll asking your social media followers to vote on potential event session topics. Or host a live Q&A where people can interact with and ask questions directly to your speakers and event team.

You could even gamify things with a contest where you give away free passes or prizes to registrants who share creative photos, posts or videos about why they’re excited for the event using branded hashtags.

These interactive strategies make your audience feel heard, keep them actively engaged throughout the promotion cycle, and ultimately boost registrations and attendance.

Key Tips

  • Host Q&A sessions or AMAs (Ask Me Anything) with speakers
  • Create polls or quizzes related to event topics
  • Use Instagram or Facebook Stories for behind-the-scenes content
  • Encourage user-generated content with themed challenges or contests
  • Implement live tweeting or social media walls during the event

6. Sneak Peeks and Behind-the-Scenes Content

People love getting an inside, behind-the-scenes look at the process and buildup before major events. It builds excitement and makes them feel like insiders with exclusive access! 

For virtual events, use social media to share sneak peeks of your event platform, so registrants can familiarize themselves with the tool, exclusive interviews with speakers, behind-the-scenes photos/videos of any physical setups, and peeks at the event agenda, content, and entertainment planned.

You could provide a walkthrough video tour of the virtual venue that your attendees will experience. Or show off cool interactive features, games, or virtual reality components they can expect.

Sneak Peeks and Behind-the-Scenes Content

This type of content gives your audience more insight into what’s coming and a taste of the experience they’ll have at your event. It can help differentiate your virtual event from all the others out there.

It also helps humanize your brand and establish a deeper connection with your registrants.

Just be sure not to give away too many spoilers if you want to save an element of surprise!

Key Tips

  • Share photos or videos of event preparation and setup
  • Introduce team members involved in organizing the event
  • Offer exclusive previews of presentation slides or key points
  • Show glimpses of speaker preparations or rehearsals
  • Create “day in the life of” content around the event organizers

7. Post-Event Engagement

Your social media efforts around a virtual event shouldn’t stop once the event concludes. The post-event period is a crucial time to keep the conversation and engagement going.

Share highlights, key takeaways, top moments, and testimonials from your virtual event across your social channels. You can re-share posts and user-generated content from your attendees as well.

Post-Event Engagement

If you have on-demand replays or recordings available, promote that access so people who missed out can still experience it. To maximize the lifespan of your virtual events, invest in a solid virtual events platform that gives you access to high-quality recordings, which you can then start generating leads from by hosting them as on-demand events on your website. 

You could even host follow-up Q&As or AMAs with speakers around hot topics and burning attendee questions.

The goal is to maintain momentum and excitement around your virtual event even after it ends. This can help drive more sign-ups, reviews, purchases of recordings, or interest in subsequent events.

Key Tips

  • Share highlights and key moments from the event
  • Create an on-demand version of the event, recap videos or blog posts summarizing main takeaways
  • Encourage attendees to share their experiences and insights
  • Conduct post-event surveys for feedback and testimonials
  • Announce future events or related content to maintain momentum

8. Measuring Success with Analytics

As with any marketing strategy, it’s essential to consistently measure your virtual event’s social media performance using data and analytics. This allows you to understand what’s working, what’s not, and optimize your strategy moving forward.

Most major social media platforms provide pretty robust free analytics on metrics like:

  • Reach and impressions
  • Follower growth
  • Engagement (likes, comments, shares, clicks, etc.)
  • Top-performing content
  • Website/registration referral traffic
  • Video views and audience retention
  • Campaign performance
  • And more

Set clear goals and KPIs for your virtual event’s social media promotion ahead of time. This could be metrics like growing followers by X% or generating Y registrations from social, or achieving certain engagement rates on your content.

Measuring Success with Analytics

Then monitor your analytics regularly to see how you’re tracking toward those goals. Dig into what types of content and tactics are driving the most success. And be willing to adjust and optimize your strategy based on what the data shows.

Don’t forget to also look at meaningful conversions and attendee feedback, in addition to standard social metrics. Things like how many registrations you received, ticket sales revenue, event ratings, and verbatim testimonials will give you the full picture of the event and promotional strategy’s overall success.

Key Tips

  • Track registration numbers and sources through UTM parameters
  • Monitor engagement rates (likes, comments, and shares) on event-related posts
  • Analyze hashtag usage and reach across platforms
  • Measure click-through rates on event links and promotional content
  • Compare performance metrics to previous events or industry benchmarks


Virtual events open up a world of opportunity to reach a global audience and deliver immersive digital experiences. But only if people actually register, show up and attend the entire event. That’s where leveraging social media strategically for promotion becomes so important.

Use these eight tips as a launching point to build an integrated social media promotion strategy tailored for your next virtual event. It’s all about understanding your audience, delivering value, engaging in interactive ways, and continuously measuring and optimizing your efforts.

Airmeet’s platform allows for global reach and immersive digital experiences. With Airmeet powering your virtual events, you’ll be able to customize your event branding, create a custom-landing page, tailor your messaging, deliver high-value networking, and spark interaction with polls, contests, and Q&A sessions. 

To successfully promote your virtual events on social media, you will also have to track results, adjust strategy, and start early. Experiment with different formats and channels to find what resonates with your audience. Analyze and adapt to create a thriving online community.

Just remember that social media for virtual events is a multistep marathon, not a one-and-done sprint. Start early, experiment with different formats and channels, analyze what works best, and be ready to adapt on the fly.

Do that, and you’ll be able to effectively harness the power of social media to drive awareness, registrations, and success for any virtual event you host.

Frequently asked questions

It’s recommended to start promoting your virtual event at least 4-6 weeks in advance. This allows ample time to build anticipation, generate interest, and secure registrations. Early promotion also helps you overcome potential scheduling conflicts and ensures your event stands out amidst other online activities.

The choice of platforms depends on your target audience and the nature of your event. LinkedIn is effective for B2B events and professional networking, while Facebook and Instagram are versatile platforms suitable for visual content and broad audience reach. X is great for real-time updates and engaging with attendees during the event. 

Visual content such as teaser videos, infographics, and event posters tends to capture attention effectively. Live videos and behind-the-scenes previews can build excitement and anticipation. Testimonials from previous attendees or speakers can also add credibility. Interactive content like polls, Q&A sessions, and countdown posts encourages engagement andfostersr a sense of community around your event.

Collaborate with influencers or industry experts who resonate with your target audience. They can endorse your event through their social media channels, participate as speakers or panelists, or share exclusive insights related to the event topic. Their endorsement can significantly expand your event’s reach and credibility among their followers.

Key metrics to monitor the success of your social media promotions include:

  • Engagement: Likes, comments, shares, and mentions.
  • Reach and Impressions: Number of unique users who saw your posts and how often the posts were displayed.
  • Click-through Rate (CTR): Percentage of users who clicked on your event link or call-to-action.
  • Registrations: Number of sign-ups or RSVPs directly attributed to social media efforts.
  • Post-event Metrics: Feedback, attendee satisfaction, and post-event content performance. 

Analyzing these metrics helps you assess the effectiveness of your social media promotion strategy and identify areas for improvement at future events.

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