A webinar being used for webinar marketing

Know the Art of Webinar Email Marketing with top Strategies

Viha Dixit
• July 18, 2024

(8 min read)

Be it to increase brand awareness or to skyrocket the overall conversion rates, hosting a successful webinar can present you with a ton of opportunities.

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Webinar marketing strategies - Webinar email marketing

However, this also depends largely on how well you market your webinar. And this highlights the crucial role of designing a solid webinar marketing strategy. 

It is crucial to design your strategy in a way that it streamlines not only the webinar marketing process, but also helps you achieve your event goals, and the revenue you plan to generate from it. 

One such webinar strategy which has proved to be a game-changer for marketers consistently over the years, is email marketing. 

In this blog, you will learn the best webinar email marketing tips and strategies to follow – 

everything from the basics of what email marketing is, to how you can go about using it effectively to promote your webinars.


Webinar email marketing involves using emails as a source for promoting your webinar. 

 If used properly, it helps in increasing engagement and registrations, among other things. 

Email marketing gives you the option of personalizing your message based on your audience segmentation findings. Understanding how email marketing works and using it to its fullest can set your webinar promotions up for success. 

Principles of Webinar Email Marketing

Here are some of the basic principles and key components of webinar email marketing.  

1. Know your Target Audience 

Know your Target Audience

The fundamental step in any marketing initiative should be to get to know your audience as well as you possibly can. This helps in crafting your webinar strategies accordingly, which facilitates smooth end-to-end functioning of the event. 

By identifying your target audience, who would eventually be considered as prospects, you can better curate your campaigns to their requirements. 

Consider segmenting your audience based on demographics, interests, pain points, industries, company sizes, and any other parameters that apply to your context. 

Knowing your audience inside-out gives you a huge advantage with the rest of your webinar marketing campaign, including the email marketing campaign. It enables you to customize your messaging in a way that it resonates with them, which in turn, increases chances of registrations and attendance.

2. Interesting Subject Line 

Interesting Subject Line

Just sending out webinar marketing emails to your target audience is not enough. The trick is to provide them with an interesting hook to click open your mail and go through the content of it too, and prompt them to take the necessary action. 

Email marketing has seen such a rise in popularity that everybody invests in it, and this often leads to inboxes getting flooded with hundreds of emails, presenting the risk of your email getting lost in there. 

It is, therefore, crucial to grab their attention the moment they receive your email. This is where the email subject line comes into play. It is what helps in determining whether your audience will open the email or give it a pass. 

So, create a compelling headline for your email to draw the attention of your audience and create a sense of urgency and curiosity among them.  

Here are some, for example – 

  1. Alert! Interesting webinar, coming your way! 
  2. Congratulations! Here’s your free ticket for the exclusive interview of Dr. Jane Doe

3. Valuable Content

Valuable Content

Make sure you provide your target audience with valuable content. There should be a reason they should join your webinar. 

List out clearly, in the email content, the benefits of attending your webinar and what they will gain from it. 

This can play a crucial part in encouraging the recipients to sign up for the webinar immediately and increase your registrations. 

For instance, sharing details about the industry expert you’ve invited as the webinar speaker can act as a hook to get them to register. 

In addition to meaningful content, make sure to include an intuitive CTA ( call to action) button to facilitate easy registration

4. Customize your Email 

Customize your Email

Customizing your email adds a personal touch and helps appeal to your audience easily.

One of the simplest ways to personalize your email is to address each recipient by their name in the subject line, so it appears to them like you took the time to craft the email for them exclusively.  

With the help of the demographic data from your audience segmentation efforts, you can tweak your content and customize it in a way that meets their expectations. 

This will not only help build a good rapport with your audience but also increase your credibility and brand value. 

Customization makes your audience feel special, increasing the chances of registration.

5. Proper Structure & Layout 

Proper Structure & Layout

It is crucial to structure your email content in a way that not only conveys your message easily, but also nudges your audience to take the desired action. 

Tips to improve email structure & layout:

  1. Make the email easy to read by using simple, easy-to-understand words.

    Avoid using complicated words or convoluted sentences, which could encourage the recipients to abandon the email. 

  2. Insert relevant images into your email. This will enhance the overall look of your email and break the monotony of words.

    However, make sure that you don’t overdo the images, as it can make the email look cluttered and spammy, increasing chances of them abandoning the mail.
  3. Lastly, take a look at the other aspects of the email too – formatting,  font size, flow of content, punctuation, tone, and overall look-and-feel of the mail. Ensure that the attachments, if any, are duly embedded. Send out test mailers to make sure that everything is proper.

Types of Emails

There are various types of emails used in webinar email marketing that help in enhancing the registration rate and conversion process. 

The different stages of a typical webinar journey call for different types of emails. These serve different functions, but are all crucial to ensuring the ideal webinar experience.

1. Announcement Emails

Announcement Emails

Announcement emails, as the name suggests, are the first set of emails that go out, where you share the news of the upcoming webinar with your audience.

Since these emails serve as informational tools, make sure to provide all necessary details about your webinar, like the date, time, guest speaker, etc.,  to enhance the response rate.

Use these emails as an opportunity to inform your audience about the benefits of attending the webinar. This will help in increasing the chances of registration. 

2. Reminder Emails 

Reminder Emails

The announcement emails inform the recipients about your upcoming event, but it is unreasonable to expect all of them to act on the first email you send out. This is where reminder emails are effective. 

Reminder emails do the trick when it comes to convincing on-the-fence members of the target audience, or those who have yet to take action, to register for the webinar.

Send out these reminder emails a week before the webinar, followed by another one a day before the event, and the last one – an hour before the main webinar event is scheduled for. 

Do not spam your audience’s inbox with too many reminder emails.This could work against you, instead of driving more registrations. 

3. Follow Up Emails

Once your live webinar concludes,it is good practice to send out follow up emails to your attendees, as well as to the no-shows. 

Follow up with the attendees by sending them a ‘Thank You’ email, which includes the webinar recording, key takeaways, or any other resource you might want to share with them. These resources have to be valuable to them, as this increases the chances of them building trust in your brand.

For the no-shows, it is important that you follow up with them by sharing access to the webinar recording in your mail. This shows them that you care about them, and wish to provide them with value, despite them not being able to make it to your event. You can include any resource that you think will be helpful to them- an infographic about the key discussion points from the webinar, webinar recording, clips from the recording or even the summary of the webinar. 

Use these follow up emails as an opportunity to inform your audience about the upcoming webinars . 

Make sure to include a CTA button to promote easy registrations. 

To increase the registration rate, incentivize them with some special discounts for the upcoming webinar in your follow up emails.

You can also reveal a little information about your upcoming webinar, like the name of the guest speaker invited, to create excitement and build anticipation. 

How Airmeet Simplifies Webinar Email Marketing

Airmeet is an end-to-end webinar platform that supports the webinar marketing efforts of some of the world’s largest enterprises, as well as several mid-level and small businesses. It is trusted for its comprehensive range of features like scalability, robust integrations, data privacy and security, powerful analytics and reporting, and so many others. 

Here are some details on why our webinar platform can be your ideal choice: 

  1. Airmeet provides seamless integrations with a range of tools to help you sync the webinar platform with your existing tech stack. When it comes to streamlining your email marketing efforts, it integrates with a range of CRMs, allowing you to control the to-and-fro of data, as well as personalize your mails to your attendees’ requirements.

  2. The platform’s powerful reporting and analytics capabilities offer you a wide range of insights on attendee profiles, their behavior, their engagement levels, drop-off rates, and many other metrics – all of which can be crucial in creating a solid email marketing strategy.

  3. Automated reminder emails and follow ups can also be streamlined via Airmeet to ensure smooth communication between your brand and your webinar attendees, enhancing efficiency as well as productivity.

  4. Airmeet’s user-friendly interface also makes creating, scheduling, managing emails campaigns easy for organizers – even those with little to no experience.

    All these features make Airmeet an important tool for efficient webinar emailing marketing.

Wrap Up

Webinar email marketing helps you achieve your webinar objectives easily and effectively. A carefully designed and executed webinar email marketing strategy can transform your webinar promotions and ensure that your event sees the success that it should, and brings in the desired number of leads and attendees. Follow the tips shared in this blog to upgrade your webinar email marketing strategy. 

 Happy marketing!


Webinar email marketing means using emails as a channel to promote your webinar. 

If used properly, it helps in increasing engagement and registrations. 

By strategically using the principles of webinar email marketing like knowing your audience, using a strong subject line, crafting compelling content and leveraging the right tools, you can easily encourage your audience to register for the webinar.

There are various types of emails used in webinar email marketing that help in enhancing the registration rate and conversion process. 

They include announcement emails, reminder emails, and finally post-event follow up emails.

Knowing your target audience helps in crafting your webinar strategies accordingly, which streamlines the entire webinar experience. 

By identifying your webinar target audience effectively, you are increasing the chances of lead generation and thereby, the chances of overall webinar success. Delivering a webinar experience that appeals to your target audience can play a huge role in building their trust in your brand, which can eventually lead to them converting into your customers. 

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