How To Write an Event Sponsorship Request Letter That Converts

How To Write an Event Sponsorship Request Letter That Converts?

Akshay Birje
• July 17, 2024

(6 min read)

Are you seeking sponsors for your event? For that, the only requirement is to submit a sponsorship request letter.

Sending a sponsorship request letter is a classic way to get a sponsor for the event. It enables you to seek financial support from the desired sponsor for your event.

In fact, a sponsorship proposal opens up a new opportunity to partner with potential investors. However, writing a sponsorship request letter is not as easy as it seems. It requires careful planning and execution. 

In this guide, we will walk you through everything you need to know about event sponsorship request letters, from sponsorship request letter definition to writing one. 

How to Write Winning Sponsorship Request Letters For Events

how to write a winning sponsorship request letter

An event sponsorship request letter is your golden ticket to securing financial support from prospective partners. Unlike traditional donation requests, sponsorship letters offer an exciting opportunity for collaboration. So it is important to write a persuasive sponsorship letter to attract a financial partner or investor for your event.

Let’s see some best practices on how to write a winning sponsorship letter for events:

  • Write a Strong Subject Line: Craft a strong and engaging email subject line to draw your recipient’s attention and get them to click open your email letter. 

An effective subject line will create a sense of curiosity and urgency, encouraging them to view the contents of the email immediately.

  • Introduce Yourself and Your Organization: Begin your sponsorship letter with a few words about yourself and your organization.

    Describe who you are, and what your company does, and briefly describe your event such as event name, date, speakers invited, intended audience, the scale of the event, etc. 

  • Explain the Purpose of the Event Sponsorship Letter: Explain the purpose of the event sponsorship letter. Also, explain why you are looking for a sponsor for the event, why you picked the recipient’s company as a potential sponsor,  and how both organizations can benefit from it.

  • Highlight the Sponsorship Benefits: Describe the benefits that the sponsors will receive by supporting your event. Highlighting corporate sponsorship benefits will establish the value proposition to sponsors, increasing the possibility of a long-term partnership.

  • Attach Past Event Success Stories: Include past event success stories in your sponsorship request letter. This will enhance the credibility of your event, your organization as well as your sponsorship request letter. Also, explain in what ways the previous sponsor benefited from it. 

  • Add Contact Details: Don’t make your recipient search for your contact details. Make it easy for them to reach out to you if they want to proceed with the request or discuss further.

    Include your contact details like email id and phone number so that recipients can quickly get in touch with you.

  • Insert Digital Signature: Inserting digital signatures will help you add a personal touch to your sponsorship request letter. It will demonstrate your efforts in crafting an entire proposal. 

Following these steps, you can create an appealing and invaluable sponsorship request letter for events and open the door to successful partnerships.

What is an Event Sponsorship Request Letter?

event sponsorship request letter

An event sponsorship request letter is a formal document that an organization writes to potential sponsors to seek financial support for their upcoming event. Sponsorship letters aim to reach out to prospective sponsors, providing them with all the relevant details on the upcoming event, the terms of the sponsorship, etc to encourage them to invest in the event or project.

Sponsorship can form a mutually beneficial partnership between both parties, which can lead to a long-term collaboration. Whether you are planning a virtual or in-person event, having it sponsored by reputable companies will bring with it a fair share of benefits.

How to Ask for Sponsorship

how to ask for a sponsorship

Before you reach out to potential sponsors, it is imperative to design and develop a complete sponsorship plan. If you wish to approach or attract possible sponsors, you need to be aware of a few elements. Let’s see what these factors are and the steps to follow when seeking sponsorship for an event:

  • Understand Your Needs: First, you need to understand your expectations from your sponsors. Get clarity on your needs and objectives.

    Get a detailed understanding of your budget and have a fair estimate on how much the event will cost you. Once you know your overall needs for the event, you can proceed to the next steps.

  • Decide on What You will Offer in Exchange for the Sponsorship: The sponsor needs to receive something in exchange for the sponsorship, for it to be a mutually beneficial collaboration.

    Think about what you can offer in return for sponsorship such as inserting your sponsor’s logo on all of the event’s promotional material, a link to their company on your official website, a short video clip about the sponsor company to be screened at the event,  etc.

  • Research Potential Sponsors: Conduct thorough research on sponsor companies and identify the ones that best fit your event goals and target audience.

    Check whether they have enough capital to fund your event. Go to their website and check their sponsoring history. Also, see if they are currently sponsoring anyone.

  • Prepare Your Sponsorship Pitch: When asking for sponsorship, it is recommended to prepare your sponsorship pitch.

    A persuasive pitch actually helps you communicate and explain your goals to them, effectively. It also encourages the sponsor companies to trust your company and invest in your event.

  • Craft a Sponsorship Proposal: The next step is to write an event sponsorship request letter. Include important information in your sponsorship proposals, such as event goal, target audience, benefits, etc.

    Ensure that your request letter is persuasive and that you have taken the time to draft it.

  • Contact the Appropriate Person for Sponsorship: Once you have a list of sponsoring companies, contact the individual who handles such requests at each of the potential sponsor companies.

    It is important to identify and reach out to the right person within the sponsor company to maximize the chances of success. Email them your well-crafted sponsorship request letter to get a response from them.

  • Prepare Yourself For Rejection: It is important to stay positive while seeking sponsors, but at the same time, it pays to accept that there will be rejections along the way.

    Not everyone will accept your sponsorship request so be prepared for any outcome. If a sponsor rejects the proposal, don’t give up immediately.

    Reach out to other sponsors until you find someone willing to invest in your event. If necessary, make a few changes to the sponsorship pitch, make it more attractive, and get back to work.

  • Set up a Meeting: Once you get a positive reply from a sponsor, go ahead and book a meeting with them. Present the details of the event and the sponsorship in person, and come to an agreement.

    Having clear verbal communication and an open discussion will increase the chances of getting a mutually beneficial partnership.

  • Follow-up: In case you don’t hear back from the sponsors you reach out to, following up with them proactively is a smart way to elicit a response.

    Don’t make your follow-up emails as elaborate as your initial mail. Keep them short to increase the chances of quick response.

Event Sponsorship Request Letter Template

Subject Line: Seeking Sponsorship for [Event Name], hosted by [Company Name]

Hi [Recipient’s Name]

My name is [Your Name] and I am the [Your Designation] at [Organization Name]. [Insert a few credibility-building stats and achievements of your company] This year, we are organizing [Event Name] which will be held on [Event Date] at [Event Location]. The purpose of the event is to [Event Purpose].

I am writing this mail to appeal to you to consider being the sponsor for our event. We believe that your support and contribution will make a significant difference in the success of our event. 

In exchange for sponsorship, we would love to offer you some high-value perks including [Number of free tickets you wish to provide the sponsor] free tickets to the event, event t-shirts, logo placement on all event promotional materials, and [Any other exchange you will be offering].

We look forward to collaborating with [Organization Name]. 

Please let us know if you would be interested in sponsoring our event. 


Digital Signature

[Your Name]

Why Are Event Sponsorship Request Letters Important?

Event sponsorship request letters are important for securing the funding for your upcoming event or program. A well-drafted letter effectively shows the value you offer to the sponsor company or individual and convinces them to partner with you. Also, it increases the chances of securing the necessary funding for your next event. 

Common Mistakes to Avoid While Drafting Event Sponsorship Request Letters

common mistakes to avoid while writing a sponsorship request letter

Sending sponsorship letters to potential sponsors is an effective way to secure a reliable sponsor for your events. It is key to bring a sponsor company on board and secure guaranteed funding for the event. 

However, you should avoid a few things while writing a sponsorship letter. We have seen many sponsorship proposals go wrong because of certain mistakes that you can easily avoid. 

Let’s see what these mistakes are:

  • Not Defining Your Event Goal: One of the most common mistakes organizations make is that they do not define the goal for the event.

    Without a clear vision and definite event goals, you can not send out sponsorship requests! Identify your event purpose, target audience as well as what you want to achieve from your event.

  • Insufficient Sponsor Research: Many businesses do not perform sufficient research on potential sponsors before reaching out to them.

    Doing this will make your proposal inconsistent with the sponsor’s specific interests and brand value.

    So it is important to study each potential sponsor’s business operations, target market, brand value, and past sponsorship activities. Without adequate information on the sponsoring company, your letter may appear generic or irrelevant to the sponsor.

  • Not Establishing Clear Sponsorship Tiers: If sponsorship tiers are not clearly defined, sponsoring organizations will struggle to understand what they will receive in return for their investment. Clearly define what kind of exposure you can give the sponsor and what they will get in exchange for sponsorship.

What Should Not Be Included in a Sponsorship Proposal

Crafting an effective sponsorship proposal is one of the easiest ways to secure one. But getting it right requires thorough research, proper planning, and a persuasive tone. It also involves some no-nos that you must absolutely avoid. 

Let’s look at key elements that shouldn’t be included in an event sponsorship proposal:

  • Excessive Company Details: The sponsorship proposal should not contain too much information about the company hosting the event. Many sponsorship seekers believe adding in-depth company information to their proposals will help attract sponsors. But, this is not true.

    Doing this will take them away from reading important sponsorship information.

  • Lengthy Explanations of Your Purpose: When describing your event purpose in the sponsorship proposal, it should not be long-winded. It is best to keep it short and simple.

    In fact, a brief, focused description of your purpose will help donors comprehend your mission more effectively.

  • Mentions of Customization: You should never include a customization option in your sponsorship proposal.

    When you mention that you can customize your sponsorship proposal, you will come across as someone who isn’t sure about their proposal. 

  • Too Many Visuals: Avoid including excessive graphical content in event sponsorship request letters. Doing so will draw their attention away from the actual sponsorship-related content.

    Use visuals to illustrate crucial elements such as charts for sponsorship tiers & benefits, target audience demographics, and more.


Event sponsorship letters are a great way to form a mutually beneficial partnership and initiate a conversation with a potential sponsor. It is the most important step you take to reach potential investors and obtain funding for your event. 

Following the guidelines established in this blog will surely help you create the perfect sponsorship request so you can effortlessly secure the funding for your next event.


After sending an event sponsorship request letter, if you don’t hear back from the potential sponsor, send a follow-up mail or directly connect with them over the phone. Try to contact them within a week so the sponsorship proposal is still fresh in their mind, but they have also had enough time to look into it. 

If an investor turns down your request, thank them for considering your company, and for their time. Try to understand why they would have rejected your proposal. Connect with them through a phone call or email and politely ask them to share their feedback on your proposal, so you can improve it accordingly. This will really help you approach other future potential sponsors more effectively.

It is recommended to wait for 6 to 7 business days after you send a sponsorship request letter to potential sponsors. This will give them enough time to review your proposal and make an informed decision on it.

In return for sponsorship, you can offer them branding and advertising opportunities to maximize the visibility of their brand. Place the sponsor company’s name or logo on event promotional materials such as brochures, banners, flyers, etc. Also, mention their name in emails, newsletters, social media posts, and blog posts.

No, it is not a good idea to mention a specific sponsorship amount in the initial sponsorship request letter. Instead, outline the different sponsorship packages with associated benefits. This will allow potential sponsors to select a package that fits their budget and goals.

Research similar events in your area to understand the common pricing structure. Check out what other companies offer sponsorship packages with various benefits to accommodate different budgets and what value they provide to sponsoring companies.

Yes, a CTA must be included at the end of the letter. It is an essential component of any sponsorship request letter. The strong CTA will persuade the recipient to take the next step and start a conversation with you.

Following are some effective call-to-action (CTA) to include in your sponsorship request letter:

  • Let’s get on a call to discuss further
  • Explore this partnership
  • Download the sponsorship package guide
  • Contact me 
  • Secure your sponsorship spot today

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