Planning an event budget

How Airmeet Transformed events in Fintech Industry

Aditi Verma
• December 29, 2023

(12 min read)

In the fintech industry, where accuracy, engagement, and ROI determine success, the choice of a virtual event platform has a significant impact on the results.

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 “From webinars to seamless collaboration and event planning, we revolutionized our Fintech client’s success journey not only that but also unlocked their desired results.” With a focus on hosting webinars, small events, and weekly trade shows, the search was on for a platform that not only enables but also improves engagement and delivers tangible results.

Why Airmeet is the Preferred Choice for Fintech Customers in Hosting Virtual Events

1. Versatile communication space 

In addition to fast networking and a seamless space, Airmeet’s versatility in interactive modes such as polls, Q&A sessions, and collaborative whiteboards ensures dynamic participation. In fintech workshops, it promotes an inclusive learning environment that improves knowledge retention.   

2. Seamless integration with financial instruments  

Airmeet’s ability to seamlessly integrate with financial tools and software enables real-time demonstrations, simulations, and real-time analytics during events. This hands-on approach provides participants with practical knowledge of fintech solutions and strengthens their understanding.

3. In-depth examination of individualized experiences  

The sophisticated data provided by Airmeet not only gives insight into attendee behavior but also assists financial firms in creating tailored experiences. Understanding attendee preferences aids in the creation of content, the optimization of session scheduling, and the modification of event strategy.  

4. Security and Compliance Measures 

Airmeet’s stringent data security processes assure data protection and compliance with industry norms for fintech organizations handling sensitive financial data. This guarantees that both the organizer’s and participants’ information is secure during virtual events.

5. Infrastructure that can be scaled  

Fintech firms frequently provide service to a worldwide clientele. We at Airmeet have a scalable infrastructure that can easily accommodate big events while maintaining optimal performance, ensuring participants have a smooth experience regardless of their geographic location.  

6. Multilingual capabilities  

Airmeet’s linguistic support makes it more accessible. By breaking down language barriers and broadening their reach into foreign markets, fintech businesses may serve various audiences and promote the inclusion and diversity of their events.

7. Opportunities for networking outside of events  

With its community features, Airmeet expands networking opportunities beyond event times. Fintech experts may continue discussions, share information, and form relationships, fostering a sense of community that is essential for industry collaboration.

8. Brand awareness and thought leadership  

Airmeet’s consistent organization of high-quality events promotes fintech organizations as thought leaders in the area. This visibility increases brand identification and fosters confidence among current and future consumers, strengthening the market position.

9. Uninterrupted support and continuous innovation  

Airmeet’s commitment to customer service ensures a flawless event experience. Additionally, their proactive approach to engaging user input and constantly releasing new features aligns with fintech organizations’ demand for the latest technology.  

10. Integration and Customization Options  

Airmeet’s open API and customization enable easy integration with existing FinTech systems and the ability to customize the platform to individual needs, ensuring a consistent brand experience during events.

Our Client’s Case Study

For our clients, working with Airmeet has been a groundbreaking experience that has altered the way they organize training events, webinars, and seminars. As an example, Groww and Leapfin are the major clients who have been with us for the past two years. The decision proved not only lucrative but also helpful in reaching significant milestones.

Let’s look into the milestones that became a reason for their success:- 

1. The influence of Airmeet on event registration and attendance   

The first success was visible in unexpected numbers. Event registrations have surpassed 100,000, demonstrating the platform’s popularity and usefulness. However, the ultimate measure of success was the view rate, an important indicator demonstrating participant involvement. Airmeet shone brilliantly here, leading to a phenomenal 66% broadcast rate, which included both live and replay participants.

Compared to other educational environments, a significant difference emerged: Airmeet has regularly shown a significantly higher performance ratio. This feature showcased the platform’s ability to capture and retain the audience’s attention.

2. Increase engagement with innovative features 

With Airmeet’s innovative features, the client’s ability to engage audiences has changed significantly. Using high-speed networks and fluid state functions, they organize more efficient interactions. The result? Increased participant engagement, fostering an environment where interest flourished and connections deepened.

3. Tangible ROI impact 

In particular, engagement workshops and in-store (POS) events, which were previously unexplored areas before adopting Airmeet, saw a significant increase in ROI for the client. This result was a testament to Airmeet’s ability not only to engage but also to translate engagement into tangible results.

4. Airmeet analytics becoming a game changer

Airmeet’s feature set became the foundation of its success story. The platform’s advanced data analytic capabilities proved to be a game changer. The customer now has a thorough insight into participant behavior, preferences, and involvement patterns. They modify their event tactics and thereby optimize results for future events using this essential knowledge.   

Airmeet is about more than just facilitating the attendance of a large number of presentations and fintech training programs. Its features cater to the demands of fintech organizations, including data insights, global scalability, compliance measures, and community-building tools, all of which contribute to Airmeet being a successful, secure, and virtual event for the fintech sector.

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