Collaborations in a Webinar for Increasing Attendance Rates

Collaborations in a Webinar for Increasing Attendance Rates

Mayukh Bhattacharjee
• October 10, 2024

(8 min read)

Among the many things that any webinar organizer dreads, a discouraging webinar attendance rate is one, if not the top most.

In fact, one of the most important reasons for marketers organizing webinars is that it allows them to reach their target audience easily and in a meaningful way, which in turn helps with business growth. And so, sure enough, increasing attendance rates and testing out strategies to make that happen is a constant battle.

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There are several strategies you can employ to attract participants in your virtual events. Among them all, collaboration remains one of the most effective ways. Webinar collaborations typically means associating with guest speakers, influencers, or brands, for promoting your webinar. 

In this article, we’ll guide you through how collaborations can help increase webinar attendance rates.

Collaborate with Influencers and Brands

Collaborate with Influencers and Brands

Collaborating with influencers and brands is one of the best promotional efforts you can make to market your webinar. It plays a huge role in growing your webinar audience and increasing the attendance rates. Partnering up with industry influencers allows you to appeal to their audiences and followers, expanding your reach. 

Promoting your webinar among their audience helps you reach new demographics and aids in growing your webinar reach and impact. Besides, when people come to know that reputed influencers and brands are promoting your event, your brand and your event gain more credibility, brand awareness, help you secure qualified leads, and more. 

Influencer Marketing 

Influencer marketing, in particular, has gained huge popularity over the years. Reports state that since 2016, influencer marketing has grown from US$1.7 billion to a whopping estimate of $16.4 billion in market size in 2022. And it further grew another 29% to approximately $21.1 billion in 2023, and at present, experts at Marketing Hub are predicting that this number can reach $24 billion by the end of 2024. 

As you see, that’s the actual power of influencer marketing, so collaborating with influencers for your webinar growth is going to bring you a massive ROI. Identify where your target audience is most active and find a reputed influencer whose audience aligns with your content and target market. This will allow you to explore new markets as mentioned, increase credibility, and boost customer trust. 


Here are some steps to effectively collaborate with influencers to grow your webinar – 

  • Identity Appropriate Influencers – As mentioned, choosing influencers should be done carefully as their target audience should align with yours, but not be in direct competition. 

For example, if your webinar is about digital marketing, look for influencers in the marketing space. Ensure that they have high engagement rates rather than just a large follower count.

  • Craft a Compelling Pitch – Tailor your pitch to each influencer, highlighting why the collaboration would be mutually beneficial. Reference their past work or interests to show you’ve done your research. Explain the benefits, which can include exposure to a new audience, speaking opportunities, or financial compensation. Also, provide specific details about your webinar, including the topic, date, time, and key benefits for their audience.

  • Offer Multiple Collaboration Formats – You can offer multiple collaboration formats to the influencers, like – 
    • Co-Hosting: Invite influencers to co-host the webinar. This can be particularly effective if the influencer is an expert in a related field.
    • Guest Speaker: Have the influencer speak or present a segment of the webinar. Their expertise can add value and draw their audience to your event.
    • Promotion: Ask influencers to promote the webinar through their channels. They could create posts, stories, or even dedicated content about the event.

  • Leverage Content Creation – Conduct interviews with influencers or feature them in promotional videos. Share these clips across your social media platforms to generate interest. Besides, you can also collaborate with them on blog posts or articles about the webinar topic. This can help reach the influencer’s audience and boost registrations.

Collaborate with Other Brands

Collaborating with the other brands that have huge customer bases is a great way to introduce your brand to a whole new audience. The trick is to find a non-competing brand but with a similar audience; for example –  Nike and Apple collaborated in 2006 and it is still ongoing. Their initial goal was to combine music with exercise followed by a product Nike+iPod Sport Kit

Just like collaborating with influencers, partnering with other brands also presents familiar collaboration possibilities:

  • Partner with brands whose products or services complement your webinar’s topic and also ensure the brand’s target audience aligns with your webinar’s audience. 
  • Craft a compelling proposal, articulate the benefits for the brand, and outline how the brand will be involved. 
  • Offer them multiple collaboration forums, which can include – 
    • Sponsorship: Offer to include the brand’s logo in webinar materials, promote them during the event, and provide mentions in follow-up communications.
    • Co-hosting: Invite the brand to co-host or present a segment of the webinar, leveraging their expertise to add value.
    • Joint promotion: Collaborate on promotional efforts. This could include joint email campaigns, social media posts, or co-branded content.
  • Work with the brand to create joint content that can be promoted before and after the webinar, such as blog posts, eBooks, or whitepapers. Also, provide the brand with promotional materials and co-branded assets to help them promote the webinar effectively.

Overall, collaboration with both brands and influencers can be highly beneficial if done correctly; after all, what’s better than getting access to a whole new audience? Especially whom you can cater to, and they put their trust in you in return.

Collaborate with the Technical Team

Collaborating with the Webinar Attendees

External collaborations like inviting reputed influencers and brands are of course crucial to boost your webinar’s reach, but to deliver a stellar event experience, you also need to make sure that the internal collaborations are solid. It ensures that there aren’t any technical glitches during the webinar, which can hamper the attendees experience, eventually impacting webinar growth. 

Hence, collaborating with the technical team and making sure that your webinar participants have a smooth experience is necessary. This involves a combination of clear communication, shared goals, and understanding each other’s expertise. 

Here are some ways to facilitate productive collaboration with the technical team – 

  • Set the Goals – Start by establishing what you want to achieve with your webinars which can include higher engagement, boost webinar attendance, generating quality leads, etc. Share these goals with the entire webinar team so everyone, including the tech team, is on the same page.
  • Explore the Technical Capabilities – Understand the technical capabilities of your webinar platform. This can help you establish what’s possible and what isn’t with the software. 
  • Frequent Communication – Schedule regular check-ins to discuss progress, address issues, and make adjustments as needed. Use these meetings to align on technical requirements and share updates on any changes in webinar strategy or goals.
  • Test your Technical Setup- Ensure that you have a plan for testing the technical setup before the live event. This includes testing audio/visual equipment, internet connections, and webinar platforms. Collaborate with the technical team to run simulations and troubleshoot any potential issues.
  • Analyze Feedback & Optimize – After each webinar, gather feedback from participants and the technical team. Use this feedback to make improvements. Discuss what worked well and what didn’t, and be open to suggestions for enhancing both the technical execution and the overall webinar experience.

At the end of the day, no matter how well you’ve planned and promoted your webinar, it comes down to how seamlessly the event was carried out on the day of the webinar. This is heavily dependent on the kind of technology or software you use to host the webinar on. Conduct a thorough research of the webinar platforms available in the market, and pick one that will help elevate your attendee experience and increase your event’s appeal.

Collaborating with the Webinar Attendees

Collaborating with the Webinar Attendees

Among the many things you will need to focus on, on the day of the event, collaborating with your webinar audience is paramount. Here, collaboration means you need to keep them engaged throughout the webinar by including them frequently on the webinar flow. Boost interaction with your interpersonal skills and the tools present in the webinar software, collaborate with them, and make a unique impression in their minds, boosting attendance rates.

Polls and Surveys

Engage your audience from the start by using real-time polls and surveys. These tools can be employed at various points during the webinar to gauge opinions, check understanding, or gather preferences on topics. This not only keeps participants active but also provides you with valuable feedback to tailor your content dynamically. For instance, if a poll shows a strong interest in a particular topic, you might choose to delve deeper into that, if time permits, or schedule a follow up webinar on that topic.

Q&A Sessions

A Q&A session is said to be a cornerstone of interactive webinars. Ensure that it is well-executed and designate specific times during or at the end of the webinar for attendees to ask questions. Utilize chat functions or dedicated Q&A features to encourage audience questions. This approach allows you to address common concerns, clarify complex points, and engage directly with participants, making them feel heard and valued.

Leverage Chat Box

Encourage the use of the chat feature to foster ongoing dialogue throughout the webinar. Ask participants questions or discuss the webinar topic and invite them to share their related experiences or insights. This can create a vibrant exchange of ideas and keep the audience engaged. For instance, you might ask participants to share their own best practices related to the topic being discussed.

Live Demonstrations

Incorporate live demonstrations or case studies into your webinar to provide practical examples of the concepts being discussed. Invite audience members to participate actively by asking questions or offering their input during the demonstration. This hands-on approach helps to solidify understanding and makes the content more relatable and engaging.

Interactive Exercises

Incorporate interactive exercises that require audience participation. For example, you might use breakout sessions for brainstorming, problem-solving tasks, or collaborative activities. These exercises not only make the webinar more engaging but also facilitate deeper learning and application of the material.


Integrate gamified elements to add a fun and competitive dimension to your webinar. Consider incorporating quizzes, contests, or interactive challenges that reward participation and knowledge. This approach can make the learning experience more enjoyable and motivate attendees to stay engaged throughout the session.


Extend the engagement beyond the webinar by encouraging ongoing interaction. Invite participants to join follow-up discussions, share their experiences, or connect on social media platforms. 

Providing additional resources or continuing the conversation in a dedicated online space can help maintain momentum and foster a sense of community among attendees. Leverage Airmeet’s post-webinar survey feature to understand attendee feedback and experiences, and adapt yourself accordingly to your upcoming webinar.

The more you collaborate with the webinar audience, and make it personalized, the more they will feel that your brand cares for them, which will help build brand trust, which in turn impacts your webinar growth positively.

Bottom Line

Collaborations in webinars present a massive opportunity, which helps organizers achieve their business goals with ease, if used correctly. Be it collaborations with the influencers, and other brands,  with the technical team, or with the webinar audience, make sure every association you make for the webinar is well-executed for the virtual event to go well, leading to a successful webinar, which will also increase attendance rates of your future webinars. 


Clear communication and defined roles are key. Establish agreements on responsibilities, promotional activities, and deadlines. Share regular updates on progress and coordinate marketing efforts to ensure a unified approach.

Track metrics such as registration numbers, attendance rates, and engagement levels. Use analytics tools to compare these metrics against past webinars or against goals set prior to the collaboration. Feedback from attendees and partners can also provide insights into the effectiveness of the collaboration.

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